The classic ‘walking & talking’

The classic ‘walking & talking’


It really is a classic. But it’s a classic for a good reason; it works. When you need to show all ages in a school to represent the ‘all-through’ aspect then a shot like this keeps things natural while also promoting the environment and the smart school uniforms too.

I kept the beautiful sunlight behind all the children for a few reasons.

  1. It stops them from squinting
  2. The backlight hitting their heads from the sun creates a brighter splash of light in any darker hair that would otherwise see it merging into the background (see the boys far left & right)
  3. Overall it creates a more pleasing and professionally lit photo.

Also though, note that I’m crouched down on the path instead of standing at their height. It’s amazing how this one small movement will so often transform a photo (many of mine are taken when I’m on my knees - I get through jeans quickly!)

Finally, the children the school selected are a diverse group who represent what the school is all about.

Why it really works though

This last part is interesting. Prospective parents know that photographers come into your school and they understand that you need to represent the school in the right way. They know it’s slightly contrived as much as you do, but it demonstrates that you take how the school is perceived in a serious way. And if you manage your marketing properly what else does that say about how well the school is run? It’s well-used but it’s for a good set of reasons.